In our high school program entitled "A Change of Heart", the standard equipment we bring are:

1) Three plastic heavy duty travel containers for golf clubs. Each container contains a frame, a black backdrop cloth, a set of screws, clips and clamps for the backdrop which doubles as a cover for the back stage.

2) Three heavy duty plastic containers. Each container has a designated content. The first container contains all the martial arts uniforms (five our sets), wooden boards, and program guides. The second container has all the live cartoon (Captain Plus) costumes, costumes for the two dramas (King of Hearts and the Redeemer). In the third container are all the comment cards, flyers and Oreo cookies which we all use during the classroom workshops.

3) Public address system. We use two speakers, two speaker stands, two speaker and two microphone cables, an amplifier and a mixer.

With all these equipment, I have been thinking about getting a used car loan to get a vehicle to transport all these equipment. But hopefully, when we become established, we wouldn’t have to do that. We hope that there will be donors who will contribute to eventually enable us to purchase our own truck or van to transport Breaking Point Foundation Philippines’ program equipment.